Alternative Investments Manager module of SimCorp Dimension: innovations & trends
🧊 Today we’ll talk about Alternative Investments Manager and its integration with Strategy Manager modules of SimCorp Dimension system.
💡 In the recent years of low interest rates, the alternative/illiquid investments became tremendously popular. The expected growth within the next 5 years is expected to be +10T$ for such asset class worldwide. In the same, its valuation and integration into classical investment portfolios’ workflow requires a complex solution. In order to meet such customers expectation SimCorp released the Alternative Investments Manager module in 2017.
👓 During SimCorp #IUCM2022 a few innovations were mentioned in that domain, such as:
* immediate availability of analytics for alternative assets
* storing data architecture, where data is saved per entity
* explain functionality for a difference between the intrinsic value and cash flows
* automatic reprice of quoted instruments
The mentioned innovations are expected to support such processes within the illiquid investments area like NAV reconciliation, daily exposure calculation and hedging possibilities.
🤖 Also, a new document processing module was presented, that could be used, for example, to handle capital call notices automatically. The module involves the artificial intelligence technology that recognizes and extracts the data accordingly.
🔮 The “cashflow forecasting for illiquid investments” new module aims to forecast the expected maximum capital calls & liquidity shortages. It also can be used for risk diversification and “What-if” scenarios, based on “Free foundation offer” (including Forecasting expected annual cash flows, Standard models for key strategies, Key diversification) or “Advanced premium offer” (including Tailor-made models, Forecasting stochastic cash flow scenarios, Full diversification management, Stress scenarios, Risk & Return measures, Integration with Strategy Manager).
🎯 The Strategy Manager could provide you not only with reporting (e.g. Solvency), but also with investment forecasting (based on different corporate actions). Such flexible events as capital calls & capital returns are also included. Beside, it’s possible to create simulations for illiquid investments via external cash flow labels.
For the active investment strategy you could analyze the consequences, based on cash flows, market data outlook, strategy allocations. The passive strategy could be derived from the provided cash flows, expected corporate actions and changing market data. The reinvestment component (e.g. via rebalancing) is also present in the mentioned solution.
Among the future/planned innovations it is worth to mention the integration of cash flow forecasting with benchmarks.
📧 In case you have questions or interesting stories to share about the Alternative Investments Manager module of SimCorp Dimension – send our Unitso team a message, and we’ll be glad to discuss.